Slip Assist & Lift Assist

Frequently Asked Questions

Slip Assist

Can Slip Assist mount on any dock?

Yes, Slip Assist is designed with a universal mount.

Is Slip Assist difficult to mount?

No, typically it uses four (4) screws per side to mount.

Can I use Slip Assist to back in my Cruiser?

No, Slip Assist is designed for toons.  Larger boat weights present additional issues.

Being exposed to the weather, will Slip Assist hold-up?

Yes, steel parts are powder coated to resist rusting.  The impact plate is a UV-stabilized, marine grade plastic that resists breakdown and cracking.

Does Slip Assist have a warranty?

Yes, Slip Assist is warranted for one year for defects and workmanship.  It does not cover damage from excessive forces or misuse.

Slip Assist uses a gas spring to absorb shock. Will this fail?

We use a high-quality gas spring that is rated for 25,000 strokes, that’s a lot of boating!

Where is Slip Assist made?

Proudly made in the USA!  All fabrication and assembly are done in Missouri.

Will this require a revision in my dock permit?

Since Slip Assist uses no power, does not touch the water and folds flat to the dock, no special permitting or inspection should be required.

Can Slip Assist be installed on community docks?

This is a case-by-case basis determined by the specific homeowners’ association (HOA).  While it benefits all involved by protecting both boats and docks, some HOAs are weary of bolting anything to the dock.  Slip Assist will meet with specific HOAs and present all information to make decisions.

When Slip Assist is deployed, how far does the panel extend?

We have three models and side mount ranging from 13″ – 35″

When not in use, am I required to pull the panels back?

This is your preference, leaving panels extended will not damage the units.

Will Slip Assist guarantee I will not damage my toon or dock?

Unfortunately, no.  Slip Assist is designed to gently redirect a toon.  If anything is hit with enough force, damage will occur.  Remember a good rule of thumb when docking, only approach as fast as you are willing to hit something.  Idle speed or slightly less is highly recommended.

Does Slip Assist come in colors other than black with white panel?

All metal components are powder coated black.  The only option is white or black bumpers.

Lift Assist

Can Lift Assist mount on any dock?

Yes, Lift Assist is designed with a universal mount.  Lift Assist does require two (2) posts to mount.

Is Lift Assist difficult to mount?

No, typically it uses two (2) screws per unit to mount.

Can I use Lift Assist to center my Cruiser in my slip?

Yes, Lift Assist is designed to be universal for virtually all vessels.

Being exposed to the weather, will Lift Assist hold-up?

Yes, steel parts are powder coated to resist rusting.  The bumper portion used is a standard marine bumper.

Does Lift Assist have a warranty?

Yes, Lift Assist is warranted for one year for defects and workmanship.  It does not cover damage from excessive forces or misuse.

Lift Assist uses a gas spring to hold the guide in place. Will this fail?

We use a high-quality gas spring that is rated for 25,000 strokes, that’s a lot of boating!

Where is Lift Assist made?

Proudly made in the USA!  All fabrication and assembly are done in Missouri.

Will this require a revision in my dock permit?

Since Lift Assist uses no power, does not touch the water and folds flat to the dock, no special permitting or inspection should be required.

Can Lift Assist be installed on community docks?

In general, yes.  In many cases, the HOA will not allow drilling holes in a post/dock.  We offer a clamp-on option if required.  Check with your HOA for your needs.

When Lift Assist is deployed, how far does the guide extend?

We offer two adjustable models. The standard extends 18” – 26” and the extended reach extends 27” – 35”.

When not in use, am I required to put Lift Assist in the upright/retracted position?

Yes, these units will not withstand being struck with side force when in the down position.

Do these come in colors other than black?

No, at the present time, we only manufacture in black with white bumpers.